For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Will I receive the Artbook featured in the ENTOURAGE PACK if I pledge for one of the upper levels rewards?

Each reward above the ENTOURAGE PACK will include a regular version of the Artbook (no signature, no silver limited edition cover). The collector edition of the Artbook is limited to 300 units only available through the ENTOURAGE PACK. Last updated: Mon, Sep 22 2014 1:23 pm EDT

What are the rewards that are strictly limited to their pack and ARE NOT featured as part of the upper levels rewards?

1 - The limited edition Artbook of the ENTOURAGE PACK is replaced by a regular edition. 2 - The signature version of the Dojinshi in the AMY PACK is replaced by a non signed but still limited copy. 3 - Original keyframe drawning is limited to NEO BLASTERZ PACK and won’t be featured as part of upper levels rewards. 4 - The original drawing from DEADLY EVES PACK is limited to that rewards pack only. 5 - The video game of the GAMERZ PACK is not included in the upper packs except from the DIGITAL PACK REDUX. You can still get the game by adding $35 to your existing pledge on an upper tier. 6 - The DIGITAL PACK REDUX doesn’t contain any of the previous material rewards and is limited to digital content. Last updated: Tue, Oct 21 2014 6:10 am EDT

With a tag line like “Sex is forbidden”, are you guys only referring to heterosexual sex?

Sex means all forms of sexual activity. In Urbance, any kind of sexual intercourse is deadly, supposedly heterosexual AND homosexual. We —as authors — do not discriminate and the serie is precisely about that. LGBT discrimination is one of the social topics of our show. Now that does not mean that our views are shared by all gangs and even less by the government that rules Urbance. We won’t spoil the story for you guys but there is definitely more than meets the eye in the COVEO cure policy… Last updated: Tue, Sep 23 2014 1:57 am EDT

Sex kills but two people are kissing in the trailer and they are lesbians…

As long as they stick to kisses, they should be safe no matter the gender they belong. But actually, they are not only kissing, they are taking drugs and pills — along with the N-dorfin drink — are one of the numerous ways used by the Urbance generation to attenuate or compensate its sexual urges or needs. Oh and of course, two girls or guys kissing in a club does not define them as homosexual, but you know that… Last updated: Sat, Sep 27 2014 8:26 am EDT

Lots of color people in the show and none in the creative team? WTF?

The members of the team featured on this page are just a sample. It takes A LOT of great talents to build a show like Urbance and even though there are blacks (i.e. Digikid 84, one of the music composers), asians (Hiroshi Shimizu, anyone?) or latinos (Joël, Domenico and the list goes on) in the current team, we are fore and foremost focused on talent and not trying to compose some kind of United Colors of Benetton add here ;-) This being said, more people will join us and there will be color people included at probably every levels of the conception of the show. We do not discriminate. Last updated: Tue, Sep 23 2014 2:16 am EDT

Where are the women? The creative team shows none…

It is important for a project like Urbance to include women in every levels of the conception of the show. There will be women as part of the production (animation, funders, executives…) and creative team (writers, voices…) alike. Last updated: Tue, Sep 23 2014 2:22 am EDT

The trailer doesn’t show homosexuality between your male characters. We are worried that homosexual relationships shown will be used primarily for titillation, and will not be given the same gravity and weight as the central, heterosexual love story.

Don’t get me wrong, there will be titillation in Urbance, heterosexual and homosexual like in any urban city day and especially night life. Homosexuality and homosexual characters will be addressed in the show. They are part of the main and sub plots. They are part of Urbance. Last updated: Tue, Sep 23 2014 2:42 am EDT

SHIPPING COSTS?!! Are they included or what?

We are shipping worldwide and those costs ARE INCLUDED in the reward packs. This might not be the case for future pack additions but we will clearly state it in the reward description. Last updated: Tue, Sep 23 2014 7:50 pm EDT

What about non binary people? Are they excluded from the show?

We received many concerns referring to non binary characters, meaning — among other things— that our fans want to see characters that don’t fall on either side of the boy/girl line. Such characters are part of the script and they fuel Urbance’s story dynamics too. It would be mistaken to believe them to be the mediators only because mediators are presented as the bad guys. Mediators can seem evil and they are asexual but this asexuality is rather an attribute linked to their neutral status. That being said, not all the asexual people in Urbance are mediators and some of them are regular citizen segregated like any other. We can also add that there are are trans* and non binary citizens forced to live on either side of the line where they feel they do not belong. This is one of the many causes why clans and gangs are formed, to try preserve their identity despite the segregation. The thing is that cisgender people are pissed as well and all that frustration has led to one tensed climate of hatred between both sides (each one blaming the other fo their condition) and this war is cultivated by the government who keeps people split in the most arbitrary way. Last updated: Sat, Sep 27 2014 8:33 am EDT

Why is the regular version of the Art book at the same price than the collector edition?

The collector edition was for early birds only and the 300 copies have been sold out in 3 days. We did offer the postage cost to our most hardcore fans that were quick enough to grab one. Now we are allowing all of our fans to keep on pledging for the book at the same price (+ shipping cost for that item). Even though it is a regular version of the art book, it is still a limited offer only available through Kickstarter. It will become a collector with time ;-) Last updated: Thu, Sep 25 2014 2:48 pm EDT

Will the Blu-ray be region-code-free, as I’m living in Germany? And is it a Kickstarter-only-edition or something which everyone can be buy later? You should put this infos into the FAQs.

Region free? Checked! Kickstarter-only-edition? Checked! FAQ? Checked! Last updated: Thu, Sep 25 2014 5:21 pm EDT

Is the DIGITAL PACK featuring the art book?

DIGITAL PACK is only featuring the digital rewards listed. So no art book. You’ll need a second pledge for the REGULAR PACK to score the art book and all the previous material rewards. Last updated: Thu, Oct 2 2014 1:29 am EDT

If you already have partners, why do you need the fans’ money?

Urbance is different from the current offer of animated shows. At this stage, we have partners and interested investors and broadcasters. Ton convert this interest in actual engagement WE NEED to show them what Urbance actually looks like so that they can tag along. Those people are not keen on taking any chances with new players on their market. By producing the pilot episode independently through Kickstarter funding, we will be able to showcase our craft, demonstrate that there is a strong interest for the show and a community waiting for it. Last updated: Thu, Oct 2 2014 1:37 am EDT

Your goal seems quite high for a short episode. Can you tell us why?

Top notch quality animation is expensive. The animation you can see in the trailer is something we did ourselves before assembling the complete team able to deliver a much better result. This is where we want to go. Hiroshi Shimizu, Yapiko Animation or Mikros Image are among the best players in the industry. Producing a show like Urbance doesn’t come cheap but we can guarantee that all the money will be invested to make a show that will make each one of its backers proud! Last updated: Mon, Oct 13 2014 8:33 am EDT

I already backed HOVER: REVOLT OF GAMERS. What more will I get out of the HOVER: URBANCE EDITION

HOVER: URBANCE URBANCE EDITION is exclusive to our backers and will consist in: 1 - EXCLUSIVE ADD ON DLC (Downloadable content) for HOVER: REVOLT OF THE GAMERS (characters, missions, items, story lines…) 2 - Deeper integration of URBANCE’s mythology in HOVER’s mythology and vice versa. If we succeed in achieving our goal, more URBANCE / HOVER integrations will be planned and available separately in the future but we will keep the URBANCE EDITION either exclusive to our backers or available for free to them only. Last updated: Tue, Oct 21 2014 6:20 am EDT

Yeah but why would I pay twice for the same game? Can’t I get the ADD-ON only? I don’t care about the animated series…

WTF? You don’t care ab… ok, fair enough! We’ve created the [ GAMERZ ADD ON PACK ] just for you. It only contains the add-on content for the game you’ve already pledged for and it’s only $20 CAD, less than the pilot episode you don’t want to watch anyway :( Last updated: Wed, Oct 22 2014 3:08 pm EDT

Can I pledge for more than one reward pack?

Absolutely! Here is how: Let’s say you have pledged for the ENTOURAGE PACK before (now sold out) and now want to add a VINYL PACK, do not switch your reward tier, just add $200 CAD to the $100 CAD previously pledged and send us a message to inform us that you have pledged for 2 reward packs, mentioning the latest one. (in that example the VINYL PACK). Check UPDATE #16 for complete tutorial about multi-pledging. Last updated: Fri, Oct 24 2014 4:36 pm EDT

Are you using backerkit to help manage rewards, pledges, etc?

YES with custom surveys and detailed information for all of our backers. Last updated: Wed, Nov 5 2014 11:57 am EST

How are you going to reconcile backers with additional reward tiers as putting them in as add-ons would be confusing?

We flagged all messages necessitating special treatments such as multi-pledging, referral keywords, challenge participations, etc. Also, we will be notified for each backer whom has pledged for a pack that doesn’t match the pledged amount. Those people will receive a special survey depending on the flagged category they belong to. If some of them haven’t been flaged, we will send them another type of survey to know exactly what they have pledged for. If some of our backers have made pledging amount mistakes, Backerkit will allow us to correct them and regularize the amounts. Last updated: Wed, Nov 5 2014 12:02 pm EST

EXAMPLE: If I backed at $5 [ROOKIE PACK] and decided to increase my pledge another $500 CAD so I can technically get the [NEO BLASTERZ PACK] (which is sold out by the way) would that work?

It would work technically yes. The date of the added sum will tell us if you are qualified for the upper reward if that reward is sold out. We’ve tracked everything on that front. Specific cases might require more attention or adjustments and we could decide to please the desire of a backer who is multi-pledging even though his second pledge is for a sold out reward. Some of those rewards are more flexible than others (i.e. the VANDAL PACK) and we might decide to add a +1. Last updated: Wed, Nov 5 2014 12:14 pm EST

Since we’re not getting the items as add-ons but the actual reward tier, do we also get 100% the contents of that reward tier and below (if it includes all previous below it)?

Standalone rewards only belong to their pack and are not featured in the upper reward tiers even in the ones that state “(+ all previous)”. Standalone rewards are clearly indicated as such. If you pledge for 2 reward tiers by adding the TOTAL AMOUNT of the second pledge to the first, then you’ll receive a single copy of each listed items below (except standalones and the 300 limited edition of the art book (Entourage pack)) if this reward tier is marked with “(+ all previous)” meaning that you can potentially have 2 copies of the same item because you pledged the full amount of 2 different reward tiers marked with “(+all previous)” Last updated: Wed, Nov 5 2014 12:14 pm EST

Shipping Updates
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!
No shipping updates are provided.
BackerKit FAQ

What is BackerKit?

BackerKit is a service that crowdfunded project creators use to keep track of hundreds to tens of thousands of backers—from shipping details, pledge levels, preferences and quantities, whether they have paid or had their card declined, special notes, and everything in between!

The BackerKit software and support team is independent from the campaign’s project team—BackerKit does not handle the actual reward shipping. For more information about the preparation or delivery status of your rewards, please check the project's updates page.

How does BackerKit work?

After the campaign ends, the project creator will send you an email with a unique link to your survey. You can check out a walkthrough of the process here.

I never received my invitation. How do I complete the survey?

The most common reasons for not receiving a survey email is that you may be checking an email inbox different from the email address you used to sign up with Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account, or it may be caught in your spam filter.

Confirm that the email address you are searching matches the email address tied to your Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or Tilt Pro account. If that doesn’t work, then try checking your spam, junk or promotions folders. You can also search for "backerkit” in your inbox.

To resend the survey to yourself, visit the project page and input the email address associated with your Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account.

How do I update my shipping address?

BackerKit allows you to update your shipping address until the shipping addresses are locked by the project creator. To update your address, go back to your BackerKit survey by inputting your email here.

When will my order be shipped, charged or locked?

That is handled directly by the project creator. BackerKit functions independently of the project itself, so we do not have control of their physical shipping timeline. If you want to check on the project’s status, we recommend reading over the project's updates page.

I completed the survey, but haven't received my rewards yet. When will they arrive?

As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.

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